f you have never worked from home before you’re probably finding it a bit strange and finding it hard to adapt. Each day seems to be blurring together into one giant day and before you know it, another week has passed. Here at codes.co.uk, we’re here to help you get through this weird time where you’re working from home.

When you’re super busy, it’s easy to forget things. Easy to forget to take a break and sometimes you’re working so hard that you realise it’s 3pm and lunch hour is long-gone. In this blog post, we’ll be reminding you of all of the things you need to remember when working from home and giving you a few saving tips along the way.

Create a schedule

To ensure you have a productive working week, it’s important to stick to a schedule. Stay organised and write down all of your deadlines and how much work you want to do each day. It will be so satisfying ticking everything off the list! Don’t forget to schedule in a few breaks too. Paperchase has some great diaries and planners you can use to organise your work that are budget-friendly. You can save 15% on your first order too!

Stay healthy


It can be easy to snack away on chocolate bar after chocolate bar when you’re working from home and on your computer all day. Some days you may even forget to take a break. It’s important to stay as healthy as possible right now so remember to drink lots of water and eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. A great way of keeping healthy and keeping your fridge full is to subscribe to a fruit and vegetable subscription box. Riverford is a great place to get fresh and organic produce delivered straight to your door, delivery is free too!

Update your office

Now is the perfect time to upgrade your laptop or desktop. It’s a good investment as we’re likely to experience several lockdowns throughout the year before this virus disappears. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a new laptop, you can buy affordable refurbished laptops and PC’s from places like Encore PC for a fraction of the price of buying a brand new one. With an extra 10% using the codes.co.uk exclusive Encore PC discount code, you can save even more.

Keeping fit for good physical and mental health


Being stuck inside all day is bad for both your physical and mental health. It may be worth investing in some new gym equipment if you’re used to going to the gym but can no longer go. Getting fit doesn’t need to cost a penny. You can find many great free workouts online and you can even walk around your garden for a bit of exercise and sunshine.

Whether you’re in need of office supplies or want to treat yourself to a cookie delivery, make sure to browse shopondeals.co.uk for the latest deals and offers.